An animated film about the wandering figure of Charlie (known from the Chaplin films). After visiting a second-hand bookshop, Charlie dreams that he has kidnapped the Queen of Sheba. Yet there is no b...
Four items about the First World War: Destroyed French villages; flight of emperor Wilhelm II; medical treatment of wounded French horses; Canadian troups practising the digging of trenches on the pla...
A romantic drama in which the orphan Jack turns out to be from a good family, which means that he can marry his beloved Kathe. But Kathe’s lover is jealous, and tries to keep Jack at bay.
Portrait of the Harlem film studio Hollandia, where, led by Maurits Binger in the period of 1912-1923 about sixty full-lenghth feature films and a hundred documentaries were made, and which formed th...
A silent melodrama about an artist who finds out in time the personal and social damage that his alcohol addiction causes.
Private footage of Feiko Boersma Feiko Boersma was one of the two cameramen at Filmfabriek Hollandia. His private collection of films contained footage that he shot in Hollandia's studio in Haarlem. T...
Reportage about a demonstration flight by aviator Clement van Maasdijk On July 31 and August 1, 1910, the Dutch aviator Clement van Maasdijk gave two flight demonstrations during Heerenveen’s ‘air...
Compilation mainly consisting of images of Fokker. Furthermore images of the Fokker airplane factory in Germany and the Netherlands, the first passenger flight to the Dutch East Indies, car races, var...